Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's a girl!

Well I just had my big ultrasound this evening and found out we're having a little girl! I am in total shock because all this time I had thought boy, but she is healthy and very active so I am happy. Ben stuck to his guns and chose not to find out the sex along with me. He turned around while the doctor made the determination and typed it for me to see. I will do my best to keep it a secret, but who am I kidding, I'll probably let it slip. He actually said he wants to see who slips up first and tells him, since I of course told everyone I know. Did I mention I'm not the best secret keeper? :) I'm also measuring farther along than I was at my first ultrasound, so we are sticking with my original due date of November 25th. I'm over halfway already! Crazy! I haven't taken a belly pic in a couple of weeks now so I'll have to do that soon. I've only gained about 5 pounds so far though so that's not too bad. I did break out the maternity pants this week, however, because my jeans are just not as comfortable as they once were. Oh the joys of pregnancy...


Sarah said...

Haha! Congrats to you too! Our due dates are really close. It's funny how we can be so sure and then be wrong! :)

The Jensen clan said...

Congrats! We have a similar situation with the sex of our baby, except Jesse knows and I don't (I can't keep a secret either).

Something I discovered with the 2nd pregnancy: the belly band. You'll love it because you can still wear normal pants for a long time!

Good luck with keeping your secret!