Monday, November 23, 2009

39 weeks

Again, a little late since I'm now 2 days away from my due date, but here is my 39 week picture from last week. Not much to report from my last appointment. Baby is in position and her head is really low (doc said he could feel it quite easily) and I was almost totally effaced, no dilation though. I go in again tomorrow.

I had LOTS of early labor signs last week - won't go into all the lovely details - and thought for sure I'd have her this past weekend, but then everything stopped and here I sit Monday morning, still pregnant. Oh well. I'm not really uncomfortable or anything (with the exception of a day here or there) so I really can't complain. The worst is having to go back to work everyday and hear, "Oh, you're still here?" :o/

I had a good weekend though. My sister came up to visit and that helped me keep my mind off of the fact that I wasn't in labor. Ha. We did a little shopping on Saturday - bought a pack 'n play and some slippers for the hospital - and I introduced Kyra to Potbelly (one of my favorite places to eat in Woodbury), otherwise we just laid low around the house. She left around lunch yesterday and I got the house all cleaned up again, got all the laundry done, baked a pumpkin pie and repainted my toenails. I'm all set now baby! *hint, hint*

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh boy, do I relate!!! Tomorrow is my big d-day! Good luck to you too! :)