Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2 months old

Wow, I can't believe Peyton is two months old already (and that I haven't blogged in that long either - I promise for a recap of the past couple months later today)!

Peyton is now 11lbs., 8oz. (95th percentile), 23in. long (75th percentile) an her head is 39cm (55th percentile). Little chunk. :o)

According to the little checklist the doctor used for things she should be doing, she's right on track or even a little ahead of schedule. She's eating 4-5oz. per feeding now and with an exception here or there we have her sleeping from about 10 or 11pm to 6 or 7am. Success in my book!


Sarah said...

Yay! I've been waiting for a post on Peyton! :) I call her sleep schedule a success too--I'm jealous!

Ben, Alissa & Peyton said...

I know, I'm sorry I suck so much at this blogging thing. I'm really going to try and keep up on it this year! :)